Premature ejaculation is a problem which is estimated to affect up to 30% of British men. It has become a common problem, and there are some solutions for people who don't want to buy premature ejaculation pills.
Pelvic floor musculature, the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, is linked to the sexual role, and a natural assumption is that improving muscle strength will improve sexual performance.
In a study published by The British Association of Urological Surgeons, researchers relying on the International Society of Sexual Medicine define the affliction as one which happens "in under a minute."
Within the twelve weeks study, 40 males who reported themselves as having premature ejaculation troubles were guided to undertake pelvic muscles exercise. During the study, the men estimated the time to climax.
Between 19 and 48, the men had tried other treatments such as lotions, behaviour therapy, and antidepressants. There was some meaningful improvement with alternative therapies and treatments.
The authors of the study trained the subjects in a variety of methods comparable to those used to aid people with incontinence issues, involving contraction of their genital muscles.
Researchers also stimulated the muscles with an electric anal probe and biofeedback in order to prompt them to practice the perineal exercises. During the biofeedback procedure, electrodes are placed on the patient's pelvic floor and converted into graphics which the patient watches. The men performed the movements in sessions of 20 minutes, performing three sessions a week.
82% of the subjects noticed an improvement. 5 saw no improvement and two others experienced improvement but dropped out before the study ended.
The average time of ejaculation during intercourse was 32-seconds when the trial started. By the time the study had gone midway, the average time was just over two minutes and increased to two-and-a-half minutes by the end of the study.
"These men were able to improve their ejaculation time in just twelve weeks and maintained the improvement for an additional six months,"
Said lead researcher Dr. Antonio Pastore, a urologist at the University of Rome.
The exercises are slightly more complicated than therapies used for incontinence such as Kegel exercises. Instead of Kegel-type workouts, the exercises explored in the study are designed to re-educate the pelvic floor muscles to contract properly on command. The exercises may not help at all if men don't learn them correctly.
"It's best for men to be properly instructed by a pelvic floor physical therapist,"
Yuchin Chang, a physical therapist told Reuters.
If done properly, the pelvic floor exercises will help men. Moreover, the exercises are more cost-effective without the possible side effects associated with other treatments.
All of this may sound too good but science backs it up. A 2005 survey found that 75% of men who performed Kegel exercises improved erectile function. An Italian study found that over 60% of men were cured of the affliction by rehabilitating the pelvic floor muscles.
Kegels may not solve all erectile problems as there are a variety of causes. But Kegels are free and simple to do before reaching for the pills.
To do Kegels, follow these steps:
1. Squeeze the same muscles used to stop the urine stream and hold for two seconds,
2. Repeat
That's all there is to it. One set is 30 repetitions and therapists recommend three sets, several times a week.
If kegel exercises do not work to your satisfaction, you may want to speak to your doctor about Priligy; a medically tested treatment for premature ejaculation that has been proven to have a high efficacy.
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