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Weight loss injections: Foods to avoid while using Mounjaro

To maximise the benefit of Mounjaro on your weight loss journey, it’s important to follow a healthy diet. While each weight loss treatment may require you to eat different foods for the best results, if you’re using Mounjaro you’ll need to avoid sugary foods, fried foods, refined carbohydrates, fizzy drinks, and alcohol. We’ll look at these foods a little more closely in this article and discuss the foods you should be eating with Mounjaro.

Foods to avoid whilst on Mounjaro

Getting the best out of your weight loss journey means making some simple changes to your diet to support Mounjaro’s effectiveness.

It’s important to understand which foods you should avoid because certain foods can lessen the effectiveness of Mounjaro and increase the risk of side effects.

Below is an example of the foods you should look to avoid when taking Mounjaro.

Sugary foods

Avoiding sugary foods is essential when using Mounjaro, and any other weight loss injections such as Wegovy, to maintain stable blood sugar levels and promote weight loss. That means avoiding foods like:

Fried or processed foods

Fried fatty foods, like burgers and chips, are amongst the hardest to digest and are likely to cause effects such as heartburn and stomach cramps.

Fried foods contain more calories than non-fried foods which can contribute to weight gain. Research also shows that the trans fats present in fried food can have an adipogenic effect, increasing the development of fat cells. Many studies have identified a link between the consumption of fried food and the risk of becoming overweight or obese.

You should aim to avoid foods, like:

  • Chips and French fries
  • Fried chicken
  • Doughnuts
  • Burgers
  • Microwave or ready meals
  • Savoury snacks e.g., crisps, sausage rolls, pies
  • Pastries
  • Processed meats e.g., ham, sausages, bacon, salami

High GI fruits and vegetables

Although fruits and vegetables are generally considered healthy, there are some which are high in sugar and can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar. These foods have a high glycaemic index (GI) and are best avoided when using Mounjaro.

You should look to avoid:

  • Fruit
    • Ripe or yellow bananas
    • Mango
    • Grapes
    • Dates
    • Pears
    • Oranges
  • Vegetables
    • Potatoes
    • Carrots
    • Parsnips
    • Beetroot
    • Sweetcorn

Refined carbohydrates

There are many different types of carbohydrates available, simple, complex, refined, and whole are just a few, but it can be confusing which types you should be eating.

Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient that the human body uses as an energy source. However, some types of carbohydrates can interfere with how well Mounjaro works. It is advisable to avoid foods like white rice, flour tortillas, white bread, and bagels as these can cause a rapid increase in your blood sugar levels, contribute to obesity, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Drinking alcohol can have a negative impact on your weight loss efforts because it:

  • Prevents your body from burning fat
  • Is high in calories
  • Can increase hunger
  • Makes you crave unhealthy foods

If you are going to drink alcohol, it is important to understand how many units your drink contains. The image below shows the average number of units in popular types of alcoholic drinks:

Alcohol can contribute to excess energy intake and weight gain in some people. It’s also responsible for causing a drop in blood sugar levels because your liver stops releasing glucose in favor of processing alcohol.

The UK’s Chief Medical Officer recommends men and women do not exceed 14 units of alcohol per week.

Tirzepatide has also been recommended for type 2 diabetes treatment by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, so drinking alcohol alongside taking Mounjaro could cause a sudden and risky drop in blood glucose.

Foods you should eat while using Mounjaro

Just because some foods and drinks are off-limits on Mounjaro, doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate many other delicious and nutritious foods into your diet.

While using weight loss injections, like Mounjaro, it’s important to focus on food that is nutritious, rich in fibre, and incorporates healthy fats.

Swap fried or processed meat for lean protein: 

Lean protein like chicken, fish, tofu, and Edamame should be a staple in your diet and can help support your weight loss journey because they have a lower calorie content. Lean meats and protein sources can help keep you feeling satisfied for longer, helping you to resist the urge to snack.

Swap white bread and rice for whole wheat varieties: 

Whole-grain foods like brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa are great for regulating blood sugar and aiding weight loss because they cause a gradual rise in blood sugar and keep you feeling full. These foods are also packed with fiber, so can aid healthy digestion and contain many of the essential nutrients the body needs to stay healthy.

Choose leafy green vegetables and low GI fruits: 

Although some fruits and vegetables can cause spikes in blood sugar, some can have the opposite effect. Green leafy vegetables, like kale, spinach, and broccoli are great examples of complex carbohydrates which release sugar slowly into the bloodstream and help suppress your appetite. If you are looking for a healthy sugar kick try apples, berries, or green bananas.

Stay hydrated: 

It’s important to drink plenty of water while using Mounjaro for weight loss because water does not contain any calories, so it can help manage body weight. If you experience any Mounjaro side effects, like those listed in the Mounjaro patient information leaflet, water can help manage some of the symptoms.


Although there is no strict Mounjaro diet plan to follow, making small changes to your food intake can be an effective strategy for weight loss. It’s important to choose high protein and whole foods over high sugar and fried options. When using Mounjaro for weight loss it’s also vital to stay hydrated, especially if you are experiencing any digestive related side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

If you are unsure and would like any further information your healthcare team or one of our clinicians can provide advice.


Authored By

Leanne Edermaniger

Medical Content Writer
Leanne is a science and health content writer focusing on human health and biology while utilising her solid academic background.

Published on: 21/05/2024

Reviewed By

Mohamed Imran Lakhi

MPharm - Lead Pharmacist
Imran Lakhi is the superintendent pharmacist and founder at Prescription Doctor. He has been at the core of our team.

Reviewed on: 21/05/2024
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