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How does your body repair when you quit smoking?

  • 22 Oct, 2019
  • Mohamed Imran Lakhi

Smoking can wreak havoc on the body, both short and long-term. Fortunately, may of these negative side effects can be diminished, if not totally eradicated, once you quit. You may see benefits almost immediately, while others you’...

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What is the best way to quit smoking?

  • 17 Oct, 2019
  • Mohamed Imran Lakhi

Quitting smoking can seem like a daunting task. You may have even tried before, only to take it up again a few weeks later. Cravings are difficult to ignore, and sometimes changing a habit can seem impossible. There’s no &ldquo...

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What are calories and how many do I need a day?

  • 18 Jun, 2019
  • Prescription Doctor

Calories are the unit of measurement which determines the amount of energy the food we eat gives us. You'll find the number printed on food packaging as Kcal, often next to a similar unit of energy called kilojoule (kJ). A simple...

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Healthy Eating Doesn't Have To Break The Bank

  • 06 Jun, 2019
  • Prescription Doctor

For decades, doctors have been telling us that eating a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and nutrients, can prevent conditions such as type 2 diabetes and obesity, which can lead to more serious medical conditions like cardiovascular dise...

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The many health benefits of running

  • 10 Apr, 2019
  • Prescription Doctor

Running is an excellent exercise for many reasons. It strengthens your core muscles and cardiovascular system. It's very economical and convenient. You can do it anywhere, including inside your home. You don't need special equip...

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